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It reduces the size of fonts and other objects on the page until they are small enough to fit the space allocated on the paper.

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Q: How does Excel make a worksheet fit on one page when you choose the Fit to option?
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You would make cell A6 the active cell and then activate the freeze panes option.

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You do a Paste Link.

How can I use Excel to make an amortization schedule?

A good place to go to find out how to use Excel for loan amortization is The tutorial is by Timothy Mayers. He explains everything and even shows a picture of the excel worksheet and how to do the loan amortization on excel.

How can one create a basic monthly planner in Excel?

To make a basic monthly planner in Excel, first type in monthly planner in the Microsoft Office online then press the search button. After searching, you will find several templates that you can download. Choose the option that best suites your needs. Download the template that you choose and it will open as a new workbook. You can make any changes that you choose to. Once you are finished filling in any changes that you would like to do, choose save and then you can print it out anytime you like.

The letters at the top of an Excel worksheet that designate the columns?

This is an incomplete sentance, not a question. Ask again, using words that make it clear what you what to know.