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"=((B1-A1)/B1)*100" alternatively if you format the cell as a %, it would just be "=(b1-a1)/b1"

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Q: How do you write an excel formula to find the gross margin percent if A1 is cost and B1 is retail?
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The selling price is the cost plus the margin. If you know the margin as a fixed value and the cost was in cell A2 and the margin in B2, in C2 you could put the following formulas: =A2+B2 If the margin is a percentage of the cost and the margin is in B2, then the formula would be: =A2+A2*B2

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Use conditional formatting

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The Esc key.

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12.5 percent can be written with a percent symbol or as a decimal in Excel: 12.5% 0.125

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You can change the page margins to wide or where the top left bottom and right margin is at 1 in excel easily. Just got to the top of the screen and select margin options.

What do you have to put in a cell to denote an equation in Excel?

In Excel an equation can be a formula. All formulas in Excel must start with the equals sign. That is what tells Excel it is a formula.

Where is the formula error button in Excel 2007?

There is no formula error button in Excel. However, there is an Error Checking button on the Formulas ribbon in the Formula Auditing section in Excel 2007.