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use your finger and put it on the roller and scroll your finger down on it. make sure it goes in a bit. it can be used for scrolling down pages e.t.c.

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Q: How do you use the roller on a mouse?
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What is a roller ball in mouse?

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Parts of mouse and its function?

There are many parts to a mouse including the roller. The roller functions to move the arrow on the screen.

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What are the causes of broken mouse?

Normally the roller pins behind the ball wears out.

How much is a Mickey Mouse fun castle roller coaster worth?

There doesn't appear to be anything called the "Mickey Mouse Roller Coaster", there is the Gadget's Go Gadget Coaster in Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland but the weight of the coaster is unknown.

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If this is your first computer the mouse looks different

What are the causes of broken computer mouse?

Normally the roller pins behind the ball wears out.

What is the best way to clean a roller- ball mouse?

Use compresed air to blow out dust. Clean the rollers with a cotton swab dipped in a very small amount of liquid soap. The sticky side of duct tape works well to clean the mouse ball. You can purchase a cleaning kit for the mouse, trackball, and keyboard.

How do you use a roller coaster?

You ride in the seats of a roller coaster.

What type of mouse has a ball?

Opto-mechanical mouse has a ball with two freely rotational rollers, which are 90 degrees apart. One roller detects the forward-backward motion and other the left-right motion of the mouse.

What is the ball inside a computer mouse called?

If the ball is on the bottom, it's a "roller ball." If it's on the top and meant to be touched, it's a "trackball."