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Pull out the clear plastic water tank below the pressing surface & fill with (preferably distilled) water. Plug the unit in and turn it on by twisting the lefthand knob clockwise about 1/8 turn. The red light on the front edge of the upper lid should come on. Set the desired heat range by turning the righthand knob to the appropriate setting. The yellow light to the left of the red light will come on when the unit is warmed up and the desired temperature is reached. Lay your garment flat on the pressing surface. Any wrinkles left on the table will be pressed in! Push the red button on the left side of the handle before closing the lid to spray the garment with steam, then close the handle. No need to press down hard, the unit does the work for you. Don't leave it closed more than a few seconds until you are familiar with how it performs. When it starts spitting and hissing rather than spraying steam, the water tank needs refilling. Hope this helps. B.E.

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