You will need a wireless Network card installed to be able to use wireless service outside. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have a internal WiFi card (or network card) in your laptop and you have a wireless connection from your house (or any other connection that is around) you can surf the web (it works the same way when wireless is used inside.)
Dumb question jackbot
Yes, it is possible to use a laptop as a wireless bridge for xbox live.
No. You can not attach a router and use a standard Verizon Wireless aircard as a wireless access point. This is why they have MiFi which is essentially a wireless access point.
You do not have to use wireless for all of them. You can connect your desktops using cables. And use your laptop with built-in wireless adapter.
You buy a wireless router, wire the desktop and router to the modem, and use the laptop by getting a wireless card or usb wireless adapter.
Yes it work
Wireless high speed internet allows you to use your laptop without having it connected to the internet via a cable hook up. You can use your laptop anywhere in the house if you have wireless.
A wireless Internet connection allows you to go on line with your laptop without having to be connected to the router with a cable. You can go sit outside in the garden and browse on the Internet.
A wireless Microsoft mouse is a good mouse to use for a laptop. A wireless mouse is recommended because it is easier to use without wires getting in the way.
through wireless modem
form_title= Laptop Wireless Internet form_header= Get wireless for your laptop! How many laptops do you need the wireless connected to?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More than 10} How often will you use the laptop?*= _ [50] What is your minimum speed requirement?*= _ [50]