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I am trying to format a dvd/rw disk but it is write protected. how do i unlock it?

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Q: How do you unlock write protected disk?
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What can you not do to a write protected floppy disk?

The hard plastic case has a slider in it which you can use to open or close the notch as you want. When the notch is open the disk is write protected.

Can't write to floppy disk?

check to make sure the disk is not write protected. there is a little tab on a corner of the disk that prevents overwriting.

How do you make sure a disk is not write protected?

There is a small slide-switch on the floppy to write or protect

What does it mean when it say disk write protected?

It means you cannot alter the data on it.

Why is it a good idea to write protect a floppy disk?

It is a good idea to write protect on a floppy disk because it is a back to make sure the disk doesn't get overwritten. A disk can also be write protected by pushing a small tab on top of the disk to reveal a hole.

How do you format a Write Protected CD on Vista or Windows 7?

Most CDs are "write-protected" when data has been written to them and are not rewritable, or are factory pressed. You cannot write over these as it is physically impossible. no, but you can get a pen and write "format" on the disk and THEN it will be physically possible to write on it :P

How do you remove write protect?

I have 2 Centon DataStickPRO 32 GB = The disk is write protected. I want to format them

How do you enable write in floppy disk?

Turn the floppy disk so that the metal ring with the two holes is facing you, and the metal shutter is pointed towards the floor. Look at the top left corner. You will see a plastic tab. When the tab is open (creating two holes at the top of the disk), the disk is write-protected. When the tab is closed, the disk can be written to.

Can you delete information off of a floppy?

Yes, information can be deleted off of a floppy disk by simply deleting the files or formatting the disk. Once the data is removed, it is not immediately visible but may still be recoverable using specialized software.

Why would your floppy drive replace the contents of your disk with the contents of another disk?

you need to "write protect" your floppy disk.if you turn the floppy disk over you will see a little tab on the lower right hand corner,push this tab down until you can see the hole through it.your disk is now write protected and cannot be overwritten.

How do you remove write protection from a removable disk?

u'll find a tab or slider on that removable disk (a memory card for example) it will be write protected if that slider or tab thingy is pointing towards the lock side...if u don't find such thing reply back ;)

How do you undo a write protected sd memory card?

take the memory card out of the camera and push the little yellow lock upwards to unlock it.