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The likelihood is if you are using a laptop with an inbuilt microphone, this can be a problem on many new laptops as they actually come enabled with the microphone ready for input, that way, even with a minimal amount of sound, the microphone will pick it up and create feedback. Most laptops come with an fn key near the windows button on the keyboard, if you hold this and then look at your F1-F10 keys, one of them will most likely have a little microphone symbol, hold the fn key and press this F button and the microphone should switch of, resolving your problem, failing that, a pair of headphones on a mic work just as well.

If you are playing online games and are using things like ventrillo, you can sometimes get feedback from talking into the mic and both mics picking up sound and relaying it through the speaker, a pair of headphones will resolve this completely.

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