To - Shutdown - shutdown -s Restart - shutdown -r Log off - shutdown -l To time a restart/shutdown etc. - shutdown -s/r/l -t however many seconds you want (cannot time a log off) Show ip addresses - ipconfig/all Some Basics on CMD. Ask if you want some more.
Restart your computer and a soon as Windows starts loading, press F8. There should be numerous options including one that says something like, "Safe Mode with Command Prompt." Arrow down to that option and press enter.
if you mean what does cmd stand for then its: Command Prompt
I presume you are asking for an example of a Brief command prompt? First go to a CMD shell by selecting the windows button in the bottom left corner and typing CMD after "RUN". A black screen will appear where you can enter any prompt such as: ipconfig - IP confirguration Dir - directory listing
If you want to shutdown someone else's pc, press keys: winlogo+R > shutdown -i > in dialog box press browse ( school network/work) or click add and type the persons IP address in the box i.e. Hope it works ;-)!
shutdown -s -t 60 this is equivalent to 1 minute
when you are in cmd command prompt "type" help and you will see all the codes
to active the cmd of we enter it the global configuratoion mode
When turning off your computer with cmd, or command prompt, you need to go to run (from the start up button), then type in cmd. Once that is done you should see a black screen waiting for you to type in a command. You should type in shutdown /s, then the computer will let you know how much longer you have until the computer will shut down.
when you are in cmd command prompt "type" help and you will see all the codes
Shutdown -1 is not a correct command for shutting down. Open a command line... Start >> Run... >> cmd >> ENTER Then type: shutdown /h (shutdown) shutdown /r (restart) shutdown /l (log off) shutdown /? (more info on shutdown)