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after you have identified the service run the command

# service (service name) stop

#service (service name) start

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Q: How do you start or stop a service in redhat Linux?
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Use the following batch file REM This batch file is used to start/stop the oracle instance REM Simply invoke oracle.bat start/stop cls @ECHO off REM ****************************************************************** REM ** Batch file used to stop/start oracle services REM ****************************************************************** if(%1)==(start) GOTO START if(%1)==(stop) GOTO STOP echo Invalid use. Usage is oracle.bat stop/start GOTO END :START REM ** START the oracle services echo Starting Oracle Services REM change the instance/listener names to match what is in your services list NET START "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener" NET START "OracleServiceINNOVATEST" NET START "Oracle INNOVATEST VSS Writer Service" NET START "OracleDBConsoleInnovaTest" NET START "OracleJobSchedulerINNOVATEST" echo Oracle Services Started GOTO END :STOP echo Stopping Oracle Services REM change the instance/listener names to match what is in your services list NET STOP "Oracle INNOVATEST VSS Writer Service" NET STOP "OracleDBConsoleInnovaTest" NET STOP "OracleJobSchedulerINNOVATEST" NET STOP "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener" NET STOP "OracleServiceINNOVATEST" echo Oracle Services Stopped GOTO END :END maovandara

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Try to flush the print spooler: Control panel > Administrative tools > Services Select "Print Spooler" and choose to "Stop" the service, after that "Start" the service

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How do you get rid of the interactive service pop up movie runtime error interactive service interactive?

It's not a virus, it's a service started by Vista. Disable it by going to Start | Run and type in services to open up the Windows Services console. Double click on Interactive Service to view its properties. Under Startup type, either select it to Manual to start when you need it or Disabled to never use it, personally, I would choose the latter. Click on the Stop button to stop the service.

How do you get information on a service running on your computer?

In Vista or Windows 7:Click the Start button,In the Search bar type TaskmgrThe third tab will tell you which services are currently running.If you need to change the way a service starts (Automatic or Manual) or stop a service, click the Start menu, and type ServicesHere will list the services available at startup to which you can modify. (it's advisable to be careful here as you don't want to stop a service which can prevent a program from running)

How can you stop a user from logging on in Linux?

Just change their password to something unguessable with the passwd command.

What is chkconfig?

Chkconfig is a utility tool that is used in Linux operating systems to start or stop a program from automatically running when the system starts. You can also use the command to view or set up new services on your operating system.