Get a friend to host for you, and tell guests to bring a snack or drink each. Or sneak into a club.
well if they won't let you then either deal with it or sneak it at a friends house (ps this choice risky)
Just like any other teen movie, sneak behind your parents back and date him. Hell, that's how I wound up with my beautiful wife. Hey you never know. or you can try talking to your mom and dad and then see but if that don't work sneak lol...
well, you cant it depends on what type of laptop it is!
i have a laptop, but i cant afford internet services i have a laptop, but i cant afford internet services. how can i get free wireless service
I've got a hp laptop and the answer is you cant get a SD card out of the hp laptop
no it cant
You cant!!
you cant
you cant
get a new laptop
you cant i tried to do it and i got caught and he ate my face