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If you work at a business that requires you do dial 9 for out going faxes you start with 9, then 011, then the country code which is 65 then the phone number. So the fax number should look like: 901165(then the number)


internet fax is the best option if you need to fax huge number of fax documents abroad. It does not incur long distance charge.

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10y ago

First of all, you always dial a fax number on a fax machine exactly the same way you would dial the same telephone number on a landline telephone at the same location.

Hong Kong is telephone country code +852, followed by an 8-digit subscriber number. Calling from Singapore, dial 00 852 and the subscriber number.

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You will send an overseas fax to Hong Kong via a fax machine the same way you send any fax. You will need to only use the country code 852.

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add the country code +65

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13y ago

By using a fax machine

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How do you send fax from Malaysia to Singapore?

To fax from Singapore to Malaysia you would need to dial: 001-60-fax number 001 is to dial internationally from Singapore 60 is the country code for Malaysia Drop any + or 0 from the start of the fax number

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001 + 44 + fax number

How do you send an overseas fax to England?

There are ways where in you can send faxes abroad, you can use the traditional fax machine or the convenience of the internet fax service.

How to Fax from Singapore to Indonesia?

To send a fax from the country of Singapore to the country of Indonesia enter 001 62 and then the fax number. The 001 is the international prefix to call out of the country of Singapore and 62 is the international code for the country of Indonesia.

How do you send an overseas fax US via a fax in Australia?

To send a fax to Australia (or anywhere in the world that had a telephone system) is the same as making a telephone call. You first dial the overseas connection, then the country code, then the area code and finally the telephone number assigned to the fax machine.

How do you send a fax from the Caribbean to an overseas fax machine?

to send a fax from the Caribbean to an overseas fax machine: For Europe, you need to dial 011 + country code + fax number For example, to dial Germany you'd need to dial 011+49+number, for France 011+33+number - search "telephone country code for ____ (country you want to call)" To send a fax overseas to the United States or Canada, just dial 1+area code+ phone number

How do you send an overseas fax to Canada via a fax machine?

Make sure that your fax service provider allow you to send long distance faxing. Add first the country code + area code + fax number.

How do you send an overseas fax to Italy via a fax machine from UK?

Prefix the fax number with Italy country code + area code + fax number, then dial then number. If it rings, then your fax will be sent successfully.

How do you send fax to overseas fax to Germany?

Through internet fax service. This is very cost effective and very fast compared to the traditional faxing technique. The process in sending and receiving fax documents is the as emailing.

How do you send fax from Singapore to Vancouver?

To fax to Vancouver from Singapore you would need to dial: 001-1-fax number 001 is to dial internationally from Singapore. 1 is the international country code for Canada. The fax number should be 10 digits long, and most Vancouver phone numbers tart with 604 or 778. Drop any + or 0 from the start of the number when dialing.

What is the fax code number to send the fax from Malaysia to Singapore?

You dial a fax number on a fax machine exactly the same way you would dial the same number on a landline telephone at the same location. There is a special short code to dial from Singapore to Malaysia. You can dial 02 and then the Malaysian domestic number. For example, Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysian area code 03, which is dialed as 0203 from Singapore.