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There are a number of ways:

1) Use a fax machine that can read two sided documents. For this is would need a document feeder that reads double sided pages. While most consumer level fax machines do not have this feature, most commercial ones will, as well as photocopiers / multifunction units that have a fax machine on them.

2) Copy the document from double sided to single sided - for this you'd likely need a photocopier or scanner to do the work. Once the document is single sided, you can now fax it.

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Make a copy of the second side and feed it into the fax after the front.

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Q: How do you send a fax of a two sided document?
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When you fax a document does it copy the front and back on the same page?

You cannot fax a two-sided document. You must first take the two-sided document and make it two one-sided documents. Do this by selecting the 2 -> 1 feature on the printer/copier/fax machine's menu display and making a copy of the original document. You can then fax the two page document to the desired destination. But, as stated at the beginning of this answer, it is impossible to fax a two-sided document as a two-sided document. It must be a two page document (both pages being one-sided).

How do I use online fax services?

Some fax service websites will allow you to send a free fax online. The best deal I found was through Faxzero. Faxzero allows you to send two free faxes a day. Just save the document onto your computer and provide the fax number and company info and send the file. You'll receive a confirmation within about 20 minutes.

How do you send a fax from blackberry?

There are two ways: 1) print the fax out, then fax it 2) sign up for an online fax service that will let you send a fax through email - this will let you send the fax as an email, just by entering the fax number in the same as if it was an email address.

How do I send someone a document using an online fax service?

Simply save the document you want to fax somewhere on your computer. Go to a free on-line fax-service, give in the phone-number and you can sent the fax. Several on-line services gives you the opportunity to sent the first faxes for free. For example : fax zero gives you two free faxes a day.In the example from fax zero you will receive a confirmation e- mail within 20 minutes, when the fax was sent succesfully.

Can you fax a paper that has print on both sides?

Yes, Just make copy of one side of the original two sided document and place that copy behind the original so that it feeds through the machine in the corect order.

How do you fax America?

There are two distinct ways you can use to send fax to America, you can use the internet fax service which is fast and highly secure or the traditional fax. Then,Dial the access code to America which is 011+area code+fax number

Is there a place I can send an email to a fax?

It is possible to send an email to a fax machine. There is a few websites that can do this for you. Myfax lets you send and receive faxes from your email, web and even smartphone. They charge $10 a month for the service, and provide a "real" fax number for those who still want to send a fax with a fax machine. eFax is another site that does the same as Myfax and charges about the same amount as Myfax. Another site is FaxZero. They have similar plans just like the other two sites, however they allow up to 5 free faxes a day. The catch is that they put ads on your cover sheet, but that is a tiny price to pay for a free fax.

Are fax machines both input and output devices?

Yes it is. When you send a file through fax, you need to input a document then it will send as a clone copy of the file that you inputted. The output process is when the data receive and printed out.

What is the difference between fax machine telephone and GSM?

A GSM fax is a fax machine (fascimile machine), which is a device that's used to send an image from one fax machine to another. A telephone is a device used to send an audio signal between one telephone and another.

Can you send a fax to your bosses email?

No absolutely not can email be used to fax. Email is sending information electronically and faxing is sending electronic documents from an actual piece of paper that is being scanned and then becomes printed to the individual you are sending it to. With email you don't need an actual document to copy nor could you do that so they are two different methods to send information. Fax can be very important sometimes when a company needs actual paperwork of documents which you can not get using email. Email is not able to be used a a psuedo fax machine. If you are in need of a fax machine you should utilize a standard fascmile machine.

What is the proper way to address an envelope to two people when one doesn't live at the same address?

Either send it to both people seperatly or send it to one and tell them to then send it to another. You can't send the same thing to two people unless you fax or e-mail it.

How to Send a Fax Using an Internet Fax Service?

The fax machine used to be the epitome of technology. It used to be the main way data was sent from one business to another. People used to sit around, waiting for important documents. Deals were done via the fax. Well, the times have changed and email has taken over. With the inclusion of attachments, the fax machine has become almost obsolete. Almost. There’s still that time when people need paper documents to be able to sign and return quickly. If you don’t own a fax machine, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to send faxes using internet fax technology. • Step One: Find a fax provider. There are many online fax providers out there, and they all work in a similar fashion. Each service will charge you a monthly fee to send faxes over the internet instead of using a fax machine. Do some research online to find the most successful companies with the best reputations. You’re going to be better off finding someone that has a reputation of success rather than going with the cheapest provider. • Step Two: No gear needed. To send a traditional fax, you needed to have a big, bulky piece of equipment sitting on your desk. In the early days of the online fax, you still needed a modem and phone line to be able to send a fax online. With the advent of the internet fax, all you need is a computer and an email address. That’s it. You’ll be able to simply attach documents to an email and fax them to anyone, anywhere. • Step Three: Create and distribute. Once you have your provider in place, the only thing you need to do to send an online fax is create a new email and attach the document that you want to fax. In place of the email address, you’ll simply enter the fax number plus @ and the company’s name. So, you’d send it to When the company receives this email, they will then send the attached document over a phone line to the number included in the email address. You never have to touch a piece of paper, let alone a fax machine. Using an internet fax service is a great way to utilize current technology to keep up with former trends. While some people haven’t made their way to the latest technology, that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep them in the loop by utilizing an internet fax service. If you send a lot of faxes, but want to make life easier, taking advantage of an internet fax service is a great way to go.