click at the very top of it and it should highlight the whole column!:)
select * from table where column is not null;
to add a column to the right of the last column of an existing Word table select table then A. insert Columns to the Right B. insert Column C. insert Cells Column Right D. insert column 1
It depends on the DBMS MSSQL: SELECT TOP 1 column FROM table MySQL: SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 0,1 (start index, number of rows to get)
In order to select a column named FirstName from a table named Persons, you should run the following MySQL query:SELECT FirstName FROM Persons
It displays an arrow.
It displays an arrow.
To select all records from the "Persons" table where the value of the column "FirstName" starts with 'a', you can use the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'; This query will retrieve all records where the "FirstName" column starts with the letter 'a'.
The basic parts of a SQL Select query are: SELECT column names FROM table name WHERE conditions ORDER BY column names The basic parts of an insert query would be: INSERT INTO table name (VALUES) The basic parts of a delete query would be DELETE FROM table name WHERE conditions The basic parts of an update query would be UPDATE TABLE table name SET column name = value WHERE conditions
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'
Select the data range by column headers Convert data set to a table and go ahead with "table name" Fixing data table with $ mark Keep one identical sheet for each table
many a time you may require to add a row of data or a coloumn of data which you forgot to enter earlier .excel proveides you the facility to insert rows or columns onto the sxisting worksheet very easily .it is that inserting a row of data will shift the rest of the rows down and cause the ladt row of the worksheet ,the rest of the columns shift right ,if there is any data in the last row or column of the worksheet that will be lost .
select column from tablename