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Wow... I'm answering my own question...

Anyways, after playing around a little bit, I figured out how to save music from JamStudio onto your computer WITHOUT buying an "All Access Pass".

1. Download Audicity to your computer, don't worry, It's free.

2. Hook up a good Microphone to you computer. I've used a Mic that you use with a PS2, it works great!!!

3. Make your Music Track on JamStudio.

4. Open up Audicity and press record.

5. Go back to the JamStudio page and click 'Play'.

6. Don't forget to hold the microphone up to the speakers to get the sound! Click 'Stop' when your music track is done. (ON AUDICITY AND JAMSTUDIO!!!!)

7. Edit out those long silent pauses at the beginning and end.

8. Once you're happy with your recording, export the recording as either a mp3, ogg, wav file.

9. And you're done!!

Like I said, it does work, I just tried it because I was making music for my Visual Novel. So I hope this works for you, and good luck!

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