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Use this class: Or if you have trouble with that, look through some of the other classes under the "database" category on that site. -DJ Craig

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Q: How do you retrieve a date field from MS Access through PHP?
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Date of ampicillin discovery?

Ampicillin was introduced in 1961. If you have the correct user name and password you can get access to an article about the development of penicillin-based antibiotics here.

What are the data type available for Access table field?

Access Data Types are : Autonumber, Memo Text, Number, Yes/No, date/time, OLE object, Hyperlink, Currency.

Can the date published serve as a primary key in access?

Technically, you could, but you probably shouldn't. Primary key fields are meant to uniquely identify each record in a table and they are meant to allow for quick searching. These are two reasons why it is generally not a good idea to use a Date/Time field as a primary key.The chance is small, but two records could be inserted at exactly the same date and time, resulting in an error, because Access (and databases in general) doesn't allow for the insertion of two identical primary keys.Secondly, most databases are better at searching through numeric id's than through dates.It is better to use the AutoNumber ID that Access automatically provides when you create a new table and just add a Date/Time field to your table. If for some reason you want the dates in your table to be unique, you can set the Indexed value to Yes (No duplicates) in the Field Properties at the bottom of the screen in your table's Design view.

How do you get just the year number in a query in Microsoft Access 2010?

Use the YEAR function, which can extract the year of a date. If your field was DOB in the query you'd have MONTH(DOB) in the field row of the query.

What is the smallest unit of information you can access in a database?

The smallest unit of information you can access in a database is typically a single data element within a specific field of a record or a single cell in a table. It could be a single piece of data such as a number, text, date, or boolean value.

How can one learn to retrieve deleted files?

One of the ways to retrieve a deleted or accidentally deleted file is to restore your Desktop/Laptop to a previous date. A date before deleting took place. The previous versions are called Shadow copies.

What is the access date for WikiAnswers?

In a list of sources, the access date for a website is the day that you visited the web site to obtain the information. For example, if you visited WikiAnswers today you would list today's date as the access date.

What are the Access data types and how they are used?

In Access and in databases in general each field in a database table is of a certain data type. The data type determines what type of data a field can hold. A field of the text data type can hold text, a field of the number data type can hold numbers and a field of the data/time data type can hold date and time values.Access actively checks what type of data is entered into a field and Access will disallow the entry of data into a field that doesn't conform to the field's data type. Access won't allow you to put text into a field of the Number data type, for example.So, data types are a way to restrict the entry of data into a field. Internally, the database uses different strategies for the storage and retrieval of different data types.

What are access data types?

The data type of a database field determines the possible values that that field can hold. When you create a field in MS Access and assign it the Date/Time data type, than that field can only hold date and time values like 04-11-2008 17:51. When you assign the Number data type and set the field length to "Long integer" that field can only hold whole numbers. Text, Number and Date are the most common data types in Access. A more exotic data type is the Attachment data type, which can hold files or the Calculated data type which can hold a formula that calculates a result based on values from other fields.

What does date of access mean?

When writing a bibliography, the date of access would be when the writer first visited a particular website. For example in the below citation, "03 May 2010" would be the date of access"WikiAnswers - What Does Date of Access Mean." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 03 May 2010. >.

What is a timely reliable access to data and information services for authorized users?
