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Q: How do you refresh multiple pages in MacBook?
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Delete the files or refresh the laptop.

Does MacBook have pages?

If you install it.

Does Pages come on a mac book air?

Yes, Pages is a built-in app on Mac computers, including the MacBook Air. You can access and use Pages for creating documents and other writing tasks on your MacBook Air without needing to install it separately.

Why is the refresh button used in the computer?

To help upload pages that have become frozen or inactive.

How many pages does The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow have?

The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow has 296 pages.

What should you press to refresh a Dreanweaver pages?

There are many keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Dreamweaver that can make working easier. In order to refresh the design view in the Dreamweaver program, one can simply press F5.

How do you get pages on your MacBook Air?

Only if it came with iWorks installed or you bought it later.

How do you save and export a pages document as a tiff file on your MacBook?

Pages does not support exporting as a TIFF. If a TIFF file is essential then you can export as a PDF from Pages, open the PDF in Preview and Save As... a TIFF from Preview.

How do you change page on Yahoo Answers?

If the lists of answers or questions have multiple pages, they will have small numbers under them. Click on one of the numbers to go to that page. If you simply want to update a page to show new material, just click the 'refresh' icon on your browser tool bar.

What is the REFRESH meta tag used for?

By using this tag you are able to define after how long a page has to be refreshed or after a certain period of seconds you want your visitor to be redirected to another webpage. Search engines usually don't like it when you use refresh pages. A better solution is to add a click able link.An example of a refresh value is:This refresh-tag will redirect you to another webpage automaticly.

Allows users to have multiple home pages that automatically open when the browser starts?

"Tabbed browsing" allows users to have multiple home pages that automatically open when the browser starts.

What allows users to have multiple home pages that automatically open when the browser starts?

"Tabbed browsing" allows users to have multiple home pages that automatically open when the browser starts.