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You will use an xml parser like simple xml. If you will focus on timeout/connection time out in curl and script time out in php is set to 0(no limit) it will help.

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Q: How do you parse very large XML feeds into MySQL with PHP?
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What is MySQL shareware?

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Where would one find a reference manual for a MYSQL Cluster?

If you are new to MYSQL you may find the quick guides very useful for this program. It is the worlds largest database program and a reference manual can be found at MySQL.

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Apache and mysql are both very easy to install and tutorials can be found at Learning how to use them will take longer, however.

How does one install MySQL in Mac OS X?

It is very easy to install MySQL directly onto the Mac OS X. MySQL can be downloaded onto the Mac OS X. When the download is complete, the folder should be opened and the executable should be launched. From there, just follow the prompts to install.

What technologies that used to build FaceBook is it php mysql is so what are the rest of the technologies needed?

facebook definatly runs on php (as you can tell by going to Also when you apply for a job to the company mysql knowledge is a must. However as for the platform it runs on that is difficult to say for sure, however i would imagine them to be using a classical LAMP setup (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) as is very common with php/mySQL sites.

What is the importance in using Apache PHP and MySQL?

*AMP (<OS> Apache Mysql PHP) stacks are incredibly popular, supported, and documented, creating a great environment for a beginner, and very much stable enough for a senior engineer.

What are the open source DB languages?

I know of 2. Mysql and Mysql is very powerfull and easy to use along with PHP and the programming language running under apache. This will work in Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

What Commercial feeds for chickens are very expensive find some local substitutes for these feeds that require simple methods of preparation what observation can you give?

some local feeds for commercial feeds for chicken that requires simple method of preparation.

How difficult is it to set up mysql hosting?

"It can be very easy, depending on your skills. Many web hosting companies offer MySQL service that is as simple as creating the database, creating a user, and assigning that user to the database in a few clicks!"

What are the 4 features of mysql?

MySQL are very fast and much reliable for any type of application.MySQL is very Lightweight application.MySQL command line tool is very powerful and can be used to run SQL queries against database.MySQL Supports indexing and binary objects.It is allow changes to structure of table while server is running.MySQL has a wide user base.It is a very fast thread-based memory allocation system.MySQL Written in C and C++ language.MySQL code is tested with different compilers.MySQL is available as a separate program for use in a client/server network environment.The MySQL available for the most Unix operating platform.MySQL are the available for window operating system window NT, window 95 ,and window 98.MySQL available for OS/2.Programming libraries for C, Python, PHP, Java , Delphi etc. are available to connect to MySQL database.

Tell you very clearly what is the difference between sql and mysql?

SQL is a universal query language used to access relational data. MySQL is a database storage engine which utilizes the SQL query language as the means to interface with the data stored.

Which websites use mysql?

Mysql is a database server that shorts things that we use on a website into tables, records, and databases. Imagine running Microsoft access or even filemaker on a website. That is at the very least what mysql does. Any website that uses wordpress (CMS), joomla (CMS), Moodle (LMS), Droopal (CMS) uses mysql as a database manager to store its data into organized fields. If you want an example, check Anderson cooper's website from CNN. Its a wordpress blog and that uses mysql engine to run the website. Usually blogs as use mysql as a database server to handle its data. To really summarize your question any website that's automatic and uses data inputted and exported by the users of the website would generally use Mysql as a means of organizing and placing these in a database.