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Q: How do you make it so my laptop can be discovered?
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Who discovered laptop?

by,arya shah

Where can I get free laptop and how?

I would like to know where I can get a free laptop myself. There are so many websites that has this and they are fake. They make you purchase something to get the laptop.

What are the best laptop cases that are lightweight?

There are many different types of laptop cases. However, it is probably best to take your laptop to the store and make sure it fits. Your laptop will generally be heavier than your case, so you should make sure you buy a lightweight laptop of weight is an issue.

This week you purchased a laptop advertised with webcam i have now discovered no webcamwhere do you stand on returning laptop?

Return the laptop from where you purchased it, don't forget to bring your receipt.

Where can I get laptop skins for my laptop?

Yes, stores like Wal-Mart, Kmart and more sell skins for your laptop. They make your laptop look a lot more cooler and not so dull looking. They make them look a lot better and much easier to spot if there's a lot of them in one room.

Why do you charge the laptops?

You charge a laptop so it stays powered up. If you let it go to 0 the battery will run out and your laptop won't work. So make sure you charge it when it gets low!

How do you make a pretend laptop?

What do you mean pretend laptop?

How do you make a finger on a laptop?

You make a finger on a laptop by downloading microscroft and then draw a finger

Can I use an older Dell laptop charger for a newer laptop?

No, the laptop chargers change depending on the make and model for Dell products. I would make sure you get the right charger for your laptop.

Who invented the laptop?

Laptops were never discovered, rather they were invented and developed. The pioneer of modern laptop is Toshiba Corporation, way back in 1981.

How can i connect my Hi grade pink laptop to wireless Does this make laptop have wireless or do i need a usb wireless stick?

your laptop anit got wireless so chuck it out or flog it on ebay kind regards chloe brede

What is that rectangle shape on the top of your laptop?

I do not have a laptop and so there is no rectangle shape on the top of my laptop!