(>.")>- kirby
( " `-''-/ " ).___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (((' (((-((('' ((((
Keyboard speaking its K and I or D and R. You can make it using ASCII art.
Blood from sacrifices or animals
smileys =) =( =P =? :P :) :( :? animals (\_/) (=:= ) (")_(") bunny shark (^^^) Signs ║║╔═╦╦╦═╗║╚╝╠═╦╦╗ ║╚╣║║║║╩╣╚╗╔╣║║║║ ╚═╩═╩═╩═╝::╚╝╚═╩═╝
Here is a mouse... (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")o Actually that's a bunny this is a mouse <:3)~
♦ ♦ (»o_o«) (U U) (") (") an awesome panda sowwy about the spacing
Necklaces of seashells, lion teeth, and bear claws. Also, Sculptures of animals.
To make an apostrophe on a keyboard, press the key beside the "enter" key on the right hand side of the keyboard.
Get a new keyboard.
this is a rat out of a keyboard <:3 )~