

Best Answer

Well, even though i don't honestly know, you can always go on Google and search in ____ keyboard symbols and, then go to images. From there you just pick a picture you like, and copy and paste. It's as simple as that! I don't know if this may help you but, it works for me most of the time! :)

, , , ,

-------- , , , , --------

------- |_|_|_|---------

-------| happy |-------- this is how you make a cake with keyboard

------| birthday |------

---- |*********|----- symbols!!! feel free to copy and past if you don't

--- |**********|-----

feel like trying to figure out how to do it by

yourself! =) thnx

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Q: How do you make a birthday cake out of keyboard symbols?
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--------, , , , -------- ------- |_|_|_|--------- -------| Happy |-------- ------| Birthday |------ ---- |*Birthday*|----- --- |**Boy/girl**|-----

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_____,^==-----¬_/|___ )_,.--'''[ µ"\\_****"""""""""

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(\___/) (=•.•=) (")___(") cat