Overclock it.
The only way to make your Word Processing program work faster is by upgrading the RAM.
This changes almost daily -- in general, though, a higher model number indicates a faster graphics processor. anonymous@oola.com
A graphics card is build specifically to render graphics and carry out the post processing, where as your main CPU is not (although it can do both regular and graphics processing) . The graphics card takes away the heavy load of graphics from the main CPU (and RAM) so it can focus on preforming other tasks which makes them run faster. Hope it clears your question up.
hp is the best processing and graphics. Fast and easy to use
you can turn all the graphics and settings to the lowest point which makes it run faster.
Central Processing Unit Graphics Processing Unit
Graphics Processing Unit
both but the biggest improvement would be from the graphics card
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) handles rendering and processing graphics displayed on a computer. It works in conjunction with the Central Processing Unit (CPU) to handle tasks related to displaying images, videos, and animations on the screen.
The GPU processes all of the graphics and video, instead of relying on the CPU.
The GPU processes all of the graphics and video, instead of relying on the CPU.