

How do you launch system restore?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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14y ago

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If you have windows vista, click on start and type 'system restore' in the search box down the bottom and click on system restore when it appears

If you have xp, click on start, All programs, Accessories, System Tools and then system restore.

I'm not sure about windows 7. (Any version of windows which is 98 or under will not have system restore.)

Hope this helps!

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You should be able to press F11 during start up , this will launch system restore!

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Windows Restoration restores your computer settings to that date you are restoring. It only restore the settings and there is no effect on the data. To do restoration:Click on Start -> Run and then enter "Msconfig" and press enter. It will open a configuration utility window.In general tab, you will find the "Launch System Restore". Click on it. It will open a window from where you can select the available dates to restore your windows. The available date will show in Bold letters.To use system restore, your drive must be system restore enabled. To check that, Right click on My Computer -> Properties. Click on System Restore tab and there you can see the drive which is enable for system restore. The status of a drive should be "Monitoring".

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Restore point

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System Restore was created on 3000-##-04.

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How can you delete all restore points and clean up the restore points' data storage area?

Turn off System Restore, reboot the computer, turn System Restore back on.

What are the steps that you would take in order to do a system restore?

To perform a Windows 7 system restore, first navigate to Start--> All Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools and click on the "System Restore" icon. Click "Next" to choose a date to restore the computer to and then click "Finish" to begin the system restore.

Can system restore clean your virus?

No it wont. The point of System Restore is to restore your system to a workable state without you having to reinstall the operating system and lose your data files in the process.

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Xp system restore comes up with message system cannot be restored?

If the system restoration fails to restore you can try restoring your system to a different date. Also make sure there is enough disk space to do the system restore if not your computer will fail to restore.