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if you look through your mouse and computer settings you will see a setting that says allow this device to wake the computer. uncheck the box and your problem should stop

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Q: How do you keep your computer from turning on after you nudge it when its on standby mode?
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Why should you never leave a TV on standby overnight or when you are out?

Because its really silly, its costs alot to keep a TV on standby, so why do it?

Standby Generator?

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Does standby on a computer waste electricity?

Computer on standby does use up electricity, probaby around 5 watts. Computer peripherals also consume electricity when they are on standby. It is a good idea to use a smart strip, which automatically cuts off power supply to peripherals when you turn off your computer or put it on standby. It will help you save electricity and money.

Why does my Windows XP Computer start up all by itself?

There are several reasons why a computer may seemingly turn on "by itself": * There may be an automatic wakeup time set in the BIOS. * The BIOS may be set to turn the computer on automatically if it detects a power outage (even a minor power fluctuation can set this off) * You may have sent Windows XP into standby mode. In this mode, the computer powers almost everything down, maintaining only enough power to keep the contents of RAM present. When you bump the mouse or keyboard, it will bring the computer out of standby mode.

Window shutdown hibernate standby which is better?

It depends, if you got things on your PC and you want to keep them runing into the next day then use Hubernate or standby there both like a same. And shutdown well that's not hard to think of.

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sprinkle with lemon juice

Standby Generators Do More Than Light the Night?

A standby home generator can make the difference between being able to stay in your home during a power outage and having to evacuate. Your generator does more for you than to just keep your lights on. The right sized generator can keep your heating and cooling systems running. A standby generator can provide power for sump pumps when the storm that knocked out the electricity also brings flood waters into your home.

What wastes more energy leaving your computer on or keep turning it off?

Turning off your computer when not in use saves more energy compared to leaving it on. The amount of energy used to start up a computer is minimal compared to the continuous energy consumed when the computer is left running. It is typically recommended to turn off your computer when it will not be in use for an extended period to save energy.

Can you keep your playlist from computer to computer?

Yes. Its not hard when you have a flash drive to keep your playlist from computer to computer.

What is the songs name that goes like this keep on turning turning that was on glee?

Proud Mary

Why does my PC keep turning off when i'm playing games but only during the daytime while at night playing the same games it works for hours?

It happens to me a lot, its a problem with the computer battery, my computer simultaniously shuts down EVEN when its charging.

Does hibernating make the computer battery low?

No. When you put your computer on hibernate, it transfers all its memory (temporary storage) onto your hard drive. Because the hard drive does not need to use power to keep its files, the only power your computer will use is the tiny watch battery that keeps your clock running, and you don't need to worry about that because it's always using electricity. Putting your computer into standby or sleep will drain your battery but it will do it very slowly.