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Q: How do you install multimedia codecs in Fedora Linux?
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Can we install rt Linux on Fedora?

RT Linux is a specific distribution of Linux, as is Fedora. You can install RT Linux over Fedora, but RT Linux isn't a program you install in a Fedora installation, but an entirely different installation altogether (and meant for different things; RT Linux is meant for specialty devices where the machine needs to manage devices and calculations in Real-time whereas Fedora is more a desktop/server distribution.)

What video formats are supported by Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

That depends on what codecs you install. By default, it doesn't come with many, but you can install support for proprietary codecs.

Which distributions of Linux are most suitable for multimedia education and programming and are available in multiple languages?

Most Linux distributions can handle most of those tasks just fine. The one major hurdle would be inter-language support. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and OpenSUSE all have excellent translations in a wide variety of languages. They include or make it easy to install all of the multimedia codecs, compilers and IDEs, and have a large selection of educational Linux programs. Ubuntu even has a variant designed especially for education, know as Ubuntu Education Edition (formerly Edubuntu).

How do you grub window install on Linux?

..I was install both Windows XP and Linux(Fedora).in our system.But after some time I was formett my XP..then a problem occure..Linux Optin was lost at startng time.. so..Plz You suggest me how can i solve this problem in easy steps.......

How do you install Fedora 9 i386 or any Fedora or operating system on your ibook PS my ibook is whipped?

Fedora and many other Linux builds are available for a PPC G4 iBook. Installation instructions are provided on the Fedora Project website (See links below).

Is Fedora a hybrid of Linux?

No. Hybrid implies that there is a mix with something else. Fedora uses only the Linux kernel.

How do you install curses header file in fedora Linux in order to use getch function in a c an c plus plus program?

dnf install ncurses-devel

Can you install fedora after installing Windows7 home basic?

Yes. All linux based OS's can be installed at side or over W7.

What has the author Kyle Rankin written?

Kyle Rankin has written: 'Linux Multimedia Hacks' -- subject(s): Interactive multimedia, Linux, Multimedia systems

What is the name of Red Hat's freely distributed and downloadable Linux distribution?

Fedora Core and later Fedora !

What are the types of Linux?

"Types" of Linux are Called Linux Distributions. Linux by itself is only a kernel, you need more than that for a full system, to get this, distro's were develpoed to include all of this to make a Linux system easier to install. Popular Distro's Are Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, RHEL, Linux Mint, Arch Linux, OpenSUSE, etc, you can find more at distrowatch

What is multimedia used for in Linux?

Multimedia has the same purpose in Linux as it does in Windows or Mac OS X. Multimedia is commonly used for entertainment, but also for educational / instructional purposes.