MS-DOS itself does not support virtual memory. Some applications that use DPMI can use virtual memory; all you as a user need to do is provide a copy of the DPMI host.
Find a virtual psychic to read your virtual memory.
Vm-ware is the software allows us to install 2 O/S in your PC. Then we can use both operating systems by minimizing the window. It allows to use parallel Operating systems. sorry if the answer is not right.
Install as Normal. You need to increase your virtual memory settings to a minimum page setting of 4093 Mb and a max of 4096 Mb (control panel, system, advanced tab, performance - settings, advance tab, virtual memory -change, custom size)
virtual memory works just like as temporary memory does
The difference between virtual and physical memory is that virtual memory refers to memory space while physical memory are chips like RAM. The memory space for virtual memory is made by operating system when there is insufficient physical memory.
Virtual memory, the answer is virtual memory.
Virtual memory was invented in the early 1960s
Virtual Memory Manager
pagefile is the virtual memory
Virtual Memory-: Virtual Mem is also known as Swap memory. Swap memory:- Swap mem is the type of memory which allocates by the harddisk in the form of extra RAM for better functioning of the application in the case if you are facing a lack of RAM in order to run that software
virtual memory
When dealing with computers, there are typically two types of memory. "Real" or "physical" memory is the same thing as RAM. They usually come as cards that you can install into slots on your computer's motherboard. "Virtual" memory, also known as "swap space" or (in Windows) a "paging file" is a dedicated partition or (in Windows) a file on your hard drive that acts like physical memory does. Even though both types of memory do the same thing (that is, storing things temporarily for easy access), physical memory is substantially faster than the typical hard drive. Don't consider virtual memory a replacement for RAM, but more of a complement - to catch the overflow, if you will.