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I am assuming you mean either a POSIX shell or a way to SSH into a Linux box.

A POSIX shell is as simple as installing MinGW, which will usually also provide BASH, usually for scripts.

For SSH you can just use PuTTY and connect to your Linux box (Assuming it has an SSH server running.) that way.

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Q: How do you install Linux terminal on windows?
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Can you install Linux and keep Windows?

Yes, install Windows first, then whichever distribution of Linux you want second.

How do you install Linux on windows operating system?

If you would like to install it ON TOP of Windows: Install a virtual machine program (ex. Virtualbox, VMware) Install Linux inside of virtual machine Install it along side (or overwrite) Windows: Reboot computer with Linux install CD/DVD in the disk drive and follow the instructions.

Can you install Linux in the system which already use the windows operation system?

Yes Ubuntu-linux offers the "install along side windows" option.

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In a Linux terminal, the command to create a new directory is: mkdir .

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Yes. All you have to do is give Linux its own partition.

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Linux is not an operating system by itself. Just like you cannot install Windows you have to install Windows XP or Windows Vista. You can use the website in related links to find a list of active Linux Distributions. If I could recommend one I would recommend Linux Mint because it is easy to use.

How do you install Linux in windows 8?

Have a look at WUBI (search Google) to install Ubuntu as a file, without making any changes to your Windows 8 hard-drive. To remove WUBI, simply use Windows utility to uninstall programs. Or, create a separate partition on the Windows hard-drive and install Linux (or which ever distro you wish to use) on to the new partition. Remember to first backup important files onto an external storage device. Or, download and burn a Linux distribution with an ISO extension onto a CD and use as a Live Disk. If you then intend to install Linux, you will be given the choice to either install as a dual-boot with Windows by installing Linux alongside Windows, or wiping Windows and letting Linux use all the hard-drive.

What if your windows doesn't start so what must you do?

Re-install the operating system or install Linux.

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At a terminal prompt: sudo apt-get install <application-name>

What utility would you use on a Linux Operating system to find your IP address?

type on a Linux terminal: ifconfig Note: it is ipconfig in Windows.