You can install it via the Terminal by typing "sudo apt-get install eog". Some extra packages might be required for it to run (e.g. the GTK).
Xubuntu and Ubuntu are two different versions of Ubuntu. (Ubuntu has GNOME.)
sudo apt-get install mplayer
From the command line: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
use VMware player to install Gnome and KDE
Ubuntu - GNOME Kubuntu - KDE Xubuntu - Xfce Puppy Linux - JWM Damn Small Linux - JWM, Fluxbox Fedora - GNOME (default) OpenSUSE - KDE (default) Debian - GNOME, KDE, Xfce Red Hat Enterprise Linux - GNOME Linux Mint - GNOME Xandros - KDE PCLinuxOS - KDE
Xubuntu was created on 2006-06-23.
Install Xubuntu. Your machine barely meets the requirements for Zenwalk Core, let alone Zenwalk Standard.
PRIVATE EYE. has written: 'Lord Gnome of the Rings'
a little blue garden gnome with a black pirate hat and an eye patch!
i found this site (Refer to Related Link) a few hours later figured id post it for anyone with the same question
You need to make a bootable CD or USB stick with the operating system install. There are most likely instructions on the site of the operating system you want to install