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The specific order of program installation does matter here.

PHP makes certain configuration changes to Apache's httpd.conf to enable support for PHP files.

If you install Apache after PHP, then those changes will not take place.

To add such support, either re-install PHP, or edit httpd.conf manually.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

It depends.

If your Linux distro supports packages like RPM, DEB or others, I suggest you to search the distro specific package and install it with the tool that the distro offers.

If you want to build it from source, or you don't have a package based distro do the following:

1) Download the package from the site

2) From the terminal/bash console move into the folder where you downloaded the file

3) Decompress it, by typing: "tar -xvf nameofthefile.tar.gz"

4) Enter the folder you've just created by decompression "CD nameofthefile"

5) Do a configure procedure "./configure" to view configure options type "./configure --help"

6) Do a make procedure "make"

7) Finally a make install "make install"

8) Now you're ready, test your installation by type something like "php -v" and if you don't see errors all is fine.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
  1. Verify that the extension file (.dll in windows, .so in unix/linux/mac) is in the ext directory within the PHP installation directory.
  2. Open the apache configuration file, conf/httpd.conf in the apache installation directory, and find the section for enabled modules. Most modules are commented by default. Remove the "#" at the beginning of the to enable it.
  3. Restart apache
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Yes, Apache Tomcat supports the installation and usage of PHP (of any version below 5, not including 5). See the related links for an official Tomcat-PHP installation guide.

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You need to install PHP either on a pre built apache server such as xampp or download PHP directly from the website.

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To execute PHP files, you will need a webserver (Apache) and a compiler (PHP4 or PHP5) . You may refer to Apache official website on how to install Apache on a Windows-based machine

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Php can run on windows 7, but it does not run directly on it. PHP is a server side-language that runs on Apache. So in order to use PHP on windows 7, you need to install Apache on it. You can do this by installing WAMP server on your windows 7 machine. PHP will automatically be available to you once installed.

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The principle of WAMP/LAMP server is that MySQL, Apache and PHP are staked in a neat package easy to install. However, it is easy to install only the components you need separately.

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You can install an entire web server on your flash drive with XAMPP Portable. You will need an entire server (at least Apache and PHP) if you want to execute PHP scripts.

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Apache is a web server. PHP is a scripting language.

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There is a problem with the installer and vista. To install Apache, MySQL or PHP you must disable User Account Controller, install the program(s) restart the computer and enable UAC. This is the only way to install those software and other ones, not listed here.

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Either you could download latest version of php, mysql & apache server or better you just need to install xampp. Versions of it are available for all OS

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The best server yet for php serving is Apache, as PHP and Apache work closely together. The MySQL community database is a good server for PHP applications, this is why we talk about w/xamp servers, Windows/Linux Apache MySQL PHP servers.

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First install a webserver such as apache.Then download and unpack the PHP source for Unix/Linux.Open apache's httpd.conf and enable the PHP5 module and specify the location of PHP. There should be sample lines to uncomment within this file

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