These properties are called the file attributes
The "System" and "Encrypted" attributes can not be used together.
File properties are attributes associated with files that provide information about them, such as size, date created, date modified, and file type. These properties help users identify and manage files more effectively by offering details about their content and characteristics. Users can view and modify file properties in the file's properties window on most operating systems.
File attributes are not specifically used to run Perl scripts (ie. you can run them without setting or changing them).
Right-click the file and select Properties
Just run attrib command..
Write to the file, append to the file, and read or change its attributes.
hidden file (H), read-only(R), archive file (A), index file (which is only in vista), System file (s)
NTFS has many more attributes available, over 32,000 possible.
The Attributes of the file can only be viewed. The file cannot be modified, edited or tampered until the pathway of the file is saved on your hard drive.
All polygons have 3 or more sides
All files, DOS, or Windows have attributes. Files can be Hidden, System, Read-Only, Archive, or any combination of them. For example, there are some important windows files that are hidden, read-only, and system. On a windows operating system, you can right-click the file, and choose properties from the menu. At the bottom, you should see the attributies of a file. In DOS ( only because you brought it up ) you would need to be in the directory of the the file and type "ATTRIB [filename]" to view the attributes. Type "ATTRIB /?" to read how to change the attributes.