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START then click control panel

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Q: How do you go to the settings tab on a windows xp computer?
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Go in to the McAfee portal on your computer. Then you can go to the settings tab and change it to the filter that you want.

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go to the start button select the settings select Control Panel from here select System the registration number will be under the 'general' tab. You can also download Belarc Advisor for free

HOW do you get to computer settings?

in windows find the control panel (it is usually with the start menu) in macs go to system preferences

Can you have a network with Windows XP and Windows 7?

yesWINDOWS 7 go to control panel>system>change settings>computer name>hit change at the bottom and make a workgroup name.XP go to control panel>system>change settings>computer name>hit change at the bottom and put in the same workgroup, in xp, go to a folder,CD drive,etc. right click,sharing and select the options you want.7,right click,sharing tab, advanced sharing,tick share.

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You can delete the account in settings. Go to the settings tab and you can find it.

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You can delete the account in settings. Go to the settings tab and you can find it.

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Insert the CD into your computer. On Windows 7, go to "computer" on the start-up menu or go to "my computer" on any other Windows operating system. Select the drive of your CD and double click it. Go to the properties tab and edit the properties of the CD to enable recording.

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You right click the file then go to the customize tab and click on "Change Icon..." and you should be good to go!

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One can turn off Windows Vista updates by going to their Start button and finding their Control Panel. After locating the Control Panel, one can go to the System tab. At the interface for the System, one can go to the "See also" area to look for the Windows Update settings information and change the settings for the updates in Vista.

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To unlink your hotmail account from your Windows 10 computer go to Settings > Account and there will be an option to remove your hotmail account.

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Go to the settings tab in the chrome. Go to the homepage and write the wiki-answers link into the tab.

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go to the start menu and type in mouse and press enter. at the near top of the window click on the pointer tab. then a drop down box Will appear saying pointer scheme beside it.