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Dupe the layer, then with the selection tool active, hit control T. Now it's transformed and you have handles on the corners. Go to Transform under edit (I think) and find flip verticle. Hit return to get out of Transform. Move the image below the original and reduce the opacity of the dupe a little . Now add a gradient mask to the dupe and change it to Multiply. Select the outline of the image and play with the gradient mask till it looks good.

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Q: How do you get your pictures too look like the picture is sitting on water or a shiny floor. Apple do it in their itunes artwork descriptions. It creates a mirror effect?
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Memes are a popular and cool form of art on the internet. It is created by placing random pictures with text that creates a clever saying that fits the picture. These are widely posted on sites such as Facebook.

How do you put pictures for your songs on your ipod?

On my ipod you can drag a picture from a file into the space that shows the album artwork. You have to make sure that the album artwork is displayed to put in a new picture. If the song came with album artwork (usually ones bought) it cannot be replaced with a new picture. Hope This Helps ^_^

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The website: phys has lots of pictures of data centers with detailed descriptions of each picture. The pictures have a great amount of quality to them with a zoom feature on the pictures as well.

How do you add picture on songs?

Those "pictures" are specifically named "Album Artwork." When you buy a song from iTunes, the album artwork comes with it. But you can change the artwork and also add it if your song doesn't have it. (You can actually use any picture you want when you do this.) Make sure the album artwork is saved as a picture file on your computer. Once iTunes is opened, right-click on the song you want to add artwork too. Click on the tab that says "Artwork." Then click "Add" (if you are adding the artwork) or "Change" (if you are changing the artwork) and then you will open up a browse window. Find the picture you want and select it. Then once it appears, click "OK" and then the artwork is now added and will show when you play that song on your iPod.

What are descriptions of pictures in the present tense?

We won't write the description for you but we will help you learn how to do so yourself.The key element is that the descriptions should be in the present tense. This means that all the verbs you use should be in the present tense. (For example, the picture is rather than the picture was.)

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If your asking how to identify a rocks type, there are good picture reference books in stores or the library, or check for a website with pictures and descriptions.

How can I perk up the look of drab kids nightstands?

You can put their pictures and artwork on the computer and make collages. Also take picture of their favorite pets and toys.

Can you get pictures to go with your songs on iTunes?

Yes, if its from the iTunes music store, then the picture should be automatic. If your song is loaded from anywhere else, sometimes you can right click and press "get artwork" If that does not work, you can manually get the picture from the web by searching the album/single name on google images, saving the picture, then opening iTunes, if its not already opened then open the settings for the track, and drag the artwork that you saved into the artwork tab of the song. Sounds like a mouthful but its quite simple when you do it a few times.

What is the plural of pictures?

Pictures is already the plural of picture.

Is album artwork free from iTunes?

Yes, the artwork is just a picture and can be copied via internet

Can you delete self-downloaded iTunes artwork once you have assigned the picture to a song and if you delete the picture will the album artwork on iTunes be gone as well?

I'll test it right now... Yeah, you can delete it and the album artwork will not change on iTunes!

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kula khani