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I ran AVG and and it found the two trojans you are having trouble with. It would get rid of them, move one to virus vault and I would delete out of virus vault. Then, then next day, AVG found them again. So, I dug deeper. I looked to see where they were being saved. Then, I went to the file where they were stored. I also ran Hi jack This before deleting anything to verify things. To make along story short, I found it in a temp folder called -Temp. It was below the regular folder Temp. If you look in the -Temp folder. You should see an Optimize.exe and an Instal~1.exe These are the ones that are giving problems. If you look in the Hi Jack This log, you should see some lines that reference this. Those need to be removed, because this is where the reinfection comes from. NOTE: These are located in the registry files, SO BECAREFUL as to what you delete. Make a copy of your registy file firt and research the lines in question. After I did all this I have not had any trouble since. My computer is alot faster now.

This worked for my situation, but may or may not for you.

Thanks and good luck!

Also, look for a WebRebates0.exe file.

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Q: How do you get rid of Trojan horse downloader.Dyfica.2.AQ and Trojanhorse downloader.Agent.AL for Windows XP?
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answer: just throw your PC on the street know because it is rooted have fun!!! :)

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To remove the Trojan from C:restore-temp You need to delete your restore files. The best thing to do is a system restore. If you do not have a safe restore point, Just delete the restore files.You can do this by going to My Computer properties (System Properties) select System Restore tab and check turn off system restore, click apply. Now your restore files together with the Trojan will be removed. Now turn on System Restore again. Could you please give the Trojan name?

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