

Best Answer

Try CLR, the calcium, lime and rust remover. It's in most supermarkets with the cleaning supplies.

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Q: How do you get rain spots off of home windows?
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Insert CD, Reboot. switch off . go home .

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000 or 0000 steel wool(home depot)

Where can I get replacement windows?

Replacing windows can be a difficult task, but try a home-improvement store in order to start off on the right foot. Lowe's or Home Depot may be in your best interest, and they have staff that can replace them for you!

How do you clean water spots off of glass windows?

White vinegar will dissolve most water spots and leave glass extremely shiny. Very stubborn marks may be calcium deposits or etches on the surface of the glass. CLR will remove the calcium, and if the scratches are not too severe, rubbing with a paste made of baking soda and water will polish them off.

What are Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista?

Microsoft Windows XP is Microsoft's 5th revision of Windows NT. Windows XP is based off Windows 2000 and unified the Home and Business lines of OS. Previously, Windows NT up to Windows 2000 was a business orientated OS while Windows 95 to Windows ME was a home oriented OS. Windows Vista is Microsoft's 6th revision of Windows NT and introduced may new features including updated security and a new graphical user interface caller Aero.

Why does TCP help spots?

tcp helps spots, because it's an anti septic, it cleans the surface of your skin and kills off any bacteria, while will fight off spots/acne etc

Will rit dye get bleach spots off?

It won't "get the spots off" - it will replace colour where the colour has been bleached. It may or may not be the exact colour.

Is Microsoft office included with windows vista home?

Not usually however usually if you buy it off Microsoft direct it will be included. You should check with the people you are buying it off.

How can i remove black acne spots left at my back please tell me some home remedy to vanish them off?

Aloe vera gel worked really well for me.

How do you get spots off your penis?

You go to the doctor ASAP.

Do age spots get worse if you scratch them off?
