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Put your values into cells. Then using the chart settings create an XY or Scatter chart. You can then pick the appropriate variation, either just showing the dots themselves, or linking them by lines.

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Q: How do you get a dot plot from data on excel 2010?
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How do you make a dot plot on Excel?

It's called an X-Y scatter plot. The procedure is different depending on which version you have. Basically, you highlight all of the cells containing, the data; click on 'Insert' then click the icon that looks like a 'dot plot' and it should have the word 'scatter' underneath it.

Graph that is used to compare the frequencies of data?

A dot plot

What is a graph that shows data along a number line?

A dot plot is a type of graph that shows data points along a number line. Each data point is represented by a dot above the corresponding value on the number line. Dot plots are useful for displaying the distribution of data and identifying patterns or outliers.

What shows groups of data arranged by place value?

Dot plot

What is placing dots on all data points?

You can have a scatter plot where the data is displayed as a collection of points. You can also have a dot plot where a set of data is represented by placing dots over a number line to represent the frequency of data.

What is the difference between a dot plot and line plot?

Oh, dude, a dot plot is like a bunch of dots representing data points on a number line, while a line plot is like connecting those dots with lines to show the frequency of each data point. So, like, one is just dots hanging out, and the other is dots with a purpose, you know?

Why would it be difficult to extrapolate data from a dot to dot graph?

It would be difficult to extrapolate data from a dot plot graph because dot plots are primarily used for displaying and comparing individual data points, rather than showing trends or patterns in the data. Since dot plots do not typically include lines or curves to connect the data points, it can be challenging to accurately estimate values between the plotted points or beyond the range of the data provided. Additionally, dot plots are not designed for precise numerical analysis or prediction, making it unreliable for extrapolating data.

What is a dot plot?

A dot plot is a plot made of dots which is useful for highlighting clusters and identifying the gaps in between 2 points/ values

What does plot a plot mean?

it means you put a dot on the graph where they tell you to.

What information is lost when a histogram is used to represent a data distribution of a dot plot?

The main loss is the correlation, if any, between the variables. You also lose the exact value of individual data points.

What is a graph in Excel?

A graph in Microsoft Excel is pretty much anything ranging from a simple dot on a graph to a pie chart to a bubble chart to pretty much any of the charts in the drop-down menu.

In excel a dot on the screen that contains color is what?

In any computer application, a dot on the screen is called a pixel.