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Click on the cell you want to format. In the Standard toolbar select Format then Cells. In the window that opens click on the Number tab then select Percentage from the list displayed under Category:. Enter the number of Decimal places you want (the default is 2) then click OK.

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Q: How do you format cells as percent?
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How can you choose to format the cells to fix the problem?

You do not indicate what problem you want to fix, so I will not be able to give you a meaningful answer. You can format cells, by clicking on the cells or range you want to format, then select format cells.

What does ctrl 1 do in Microsoft Excel?

It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.It opens the Format Cells dialog box.

Can format be applied between cells?

Format is applied to cells and ranges of cells. The only formatting between cells actually is to format the cell border, since all adjacent cells share the same borders with the cells they touch.

How do you display the format cells dialog box?

Right-click on the cell you want to format and click the Format Cells option.

How do write one percent in decimal format?

1 percent (1%) = .01 in decimal format

What are the column formats for an Excel Column?

You do not format a column, you format a cell. If course, you can format all cells in the column to accomplish what you are asking. To format an entire column, click on the letter at the top of the column, then select cell format and make your selections. Since there are hundreds of ways to format a cell, I will not list them all here. Some of the ways to format cells are: by color (cell background and font), by font attribute (bold, face, size, etc.), cell border (multiple assortment of lines and colors), by number attribute (time, percent, currency, etc.), and many more.

How do you reset General default format?

Use the Format Number tab, with the cells that you want to change the format for selected. Then choose General and it will set that formatting for those cells.

What ctrl keys does it open the format cells dialog box?

Ctrl - 1 opens the Format Cells dialog box.

How do we format the content of a cell?

Right-click the cell, and then click on 'Format Cells'.

What is 2 percent in decimal format?

2 percent is equivalent to .02

Can cell alignment be change in Excel?

You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.You can do it in a few places like on the Format menu or on the formatting toolbar. Right clicking on the cell and pick the Format Cells option and Alignment is another way.

How do you get Excel to atuomatically display a number as currency or percent?

You format the cells to currency and then when numbers are put into them, they will automatically display as currency. to format a selected range of cells in Excel, press the Ctrl-1 key combination. This will bring up a dialog box. Click on the Number tab, then choose "Currency". Choose from a large range of symbols for the particular currency you want. The click OK.