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Sadly, The answer I am going to give is far from definite... I have the same issue right now with our desktop PC. First lets look at the facts:

1) Are you using a Desktop PC or Laptop?

If its a desktop PC, You may have the advantage of just buying a new keyboard - Laptops are a different matter.

2) Are there any "Bleeps" from the Tower?

If no, Its more than likely a broken wire, Just buy a new one... They are cheap enough... If the tower IS making a beep a second... You have bigger issues.

3) Are you using a PS2 Keyboard?

Yes? Then like me you may have to now invest in a USB keyboard - Not ideal! This is a common issue with Acer Desktop PC's in my experience. 6 Months after we bought our 3rd Acer, The PS2 Mouse port failed for the THIRD TIME! 6 years on the Keyboard port now appears to have done the same... Its not worth the expense to try and replace a motherboard for such a simple fault.

Hope that helps...

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I wait until they pop back up by themselves or i gently try to pick them up.

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