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You haven't indicated what operating system you are using. For windows, using the 'ipconfig /all' command will show you what the DHCP server address is.

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Can a DHCP be standalone or member server?

DHCP Server can be a standalone server

In a domain installations of DHCP require the authorization of the dhcp server before IP addresses can be allocated True or False?

yes DHCP require the authorization of the dhcp server before IP addresses can be allocated because until we authorize DHCP server the network does not know who is the dhcp server for the subnet. The DHCP server broadcasts the information to all.

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How to install the DHCP in win 8 server

What is the IP address of the DHCP server?

DHCP server must be assigned a static IP address...On a Windows computer you can find out the IP address of the DHCP server that assigned your current IP address by opening a command prompt and typing "ipconfig /all".

What port is DHCP used?

(DHCP) Dynamic host Configuration Protocol. The Default Port Number is: for DHCP client : 546 for DHCP server : 547

Does the dhcp server have to be activated to issue leases to dhcp clients?

dhcp has to be authorized

What is the Linux command to consult a DHCP server?


What is the path and file name of the DHCP server configuration file?

DHCP server configuration in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf(FEDORA)or /etc/dhcpd.conf (RHEL).

Why are you charged using DHCP server in LAN?

Usually nothing, today all routers have a DHCP server included.

Which network entity would most likely be configured as both a DHCP client and a DHCP server?

Router is usually configured as a DHCP client for WAN (Internet) network and as a DHCP server for local network.

Which device is offen configured to act as both a dhcp client and a dhcp server?

The Integrated Router is both a DHCP client and a server (p 186 BMF)

How does the DHCP client respond to the DHCP server?

Below are the steps how DHCP Client/Server relationship works.IN the network the clicent device requests a packets to DHCP server to login to the network. This Packet known as DHCPDiscover.The DHCP Server receives that packet and in responce it sends a packet to the client, this is called as DHCPOffer. This DHCPOffer packet contains unleased or unused list of IP(Internet Protocol) addresses over the LAN.The DHCP Client receives the DHCPOffer from DHCP Server and responds. This is called DHCPRequest, and this request contains the accepted IP address in the DHCPOffer it received from DHCP Server.Now the DHCP Server receives the DHCPRequest and sends back the DHCPPackets and lets clients to access network.