Exporting to Excel has been available since Tally 9, rel 2.0 in late 2007. You have four options for exporting your data: ASCII (Comma delimited), Excel (.XSL format), HTML (for viewing on the internet), and XML (standard data interchange). Since Tally data is stored in a multi-dimentional database and Excel is a two-dimentional table, the format never will be exactly the same as in Tally.
See related links for specific steps on how to export from Tally 9, release 2.0 to Excel.
tally 7.2 data convert into excel
Tally's import and export data allows it to interact globally. Statement and data from the Tally system can be exported to spreadsheets and data bases from other other programs.
There is something called a workbook dump. It is excel-based, and can be used to export data from HySYS to excel.
The answer is: False
You Can't
Not sure if you want to know how to export data from Excel or import data into Excel. Either way, the answer depends on what you are trying to do. You can export data from Excel by using the SaveAs option to save the file in a format you choose. If you are trying to use another program to extract data from Excel, you will need to use the options available to that specific program.
The answer to this question would depend on the source you are exporting. You can export data from Excel to a text file in a variety of formats. Just Save As and select the format you prefer.
I am not sure of options within ADABAS to export data directly to excel. But using a programing language (eg: Natural) mainframe ADABAS data can be read and then ConnectDirected to excel. Please revert in case of any details qureies
There is no connection between MS Excel and Tally Accounting Software.
Import tally data to tally 7.2 ? from which version if your import tally data from 5.4,6.3 just copy the data folder and past in 7.2 data folder (* note: data folders in numerics 4 digits same folders will be overrite) if your export date one company to other company export in XML & IMPORT (GATE WAY TALLY) -> Import of dat -> Master now give the xml path for master for voucher -> Gateway of tally -> Import date-> voucher now give the xml path for voucher. befor doing this pls take backup first take backup every day.
A good way is to export from a database is to save as CSV format (or some sort of comma-delimited text format), then open Excel and import the file into Excel.
From Company info:Restore ->Destination -> (Enter Destination path) Company will be restored at the same path Like: C:\Tally7.2\data\Source Path -> (Enter Source path) Path of Backup fileLike: C:\MyTallyBackup\Last One Accept all steps & Say "YES"Please Note:If its show "Company Number (XXXX) in use. Overwrite the information?Press "No" and change the data folder number or change company restore path.http://www.exceltotally.in