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Q: How do you export data from PRMS to Microsoft Excel?
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How do you extract a data in Microsoft Excel?

Not sure if you want to know how to export data from Excel or import data into Excel. Either way, the answer depends on what you are trying to do. You can export data from Excel by using the SaveAs option to save the file in a format you choose. If you are trying to use another program to extract data from Excel, you will need to use the options available to that specific program.

How do you export stream data to excel file from HySYS?

There is something called a workbook dump. It is excel-based, and can be used to export data from HySYS to excel.

You can export to Excel but you cannot export data to a text file?

The answer is: False

Is it true that you can export to Excel but you cannot export data to a text file?

The answer to this question would depend on the source you are exporting. You can export data from Excel to a text file in a variety of formats. Just Save As and select the format you prefer.

Can you export information from Excel into Access?

Yes, but you would use the Access import option, instead of an Excel export option. You also can use Excel to SaveAs various formats that Access could import, but direct import from Access probably would be the most efficient method. See related links for various options for sharing data between Excel and Access.

What options do you have in mainframe ADABAS to explore data directly or extract or export data to an Excel spreadsheet?

I am not sure of options within ADABAS to export data directly to excel. But using a programing language (eg: Natural) mainframe ADABAS data can be read and then ConnectDirected to excel. Please revert in case of any details qureies

What Microsoft application is best for managing quantitative data?

Microsoft Excel, as it is for numerical analysis and manipulation, which is what is done with quantitative data.

How do you convert xlsx to xls using php?

since XLS and XLSX are proprietary formats of Microsoft products, I'm not sure there is a (free) PHP way to do so. you can export your data in CSV, which is easily opened in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc

What are examples of types of data in Microsoft Excel?

numbers and text

Why do pharmacy technicians use Microsoft Excel?

Pharmacy technicians use Microsoft Excel because it is a fast and efficient means of organizing data.

In Microsoft Excel what is the meaning of Data Validity?

In Excel, you can set validation rules on a cell to ensure the data meets specified conditions before Excel will accept the entry.

What is the role played by the MS-Excel?

The role played by Microsoft excel is handling data and spreadsheet work.