You can not merge excel documents into notepad, but you can copy data from Excel and paste it into notepad if you want to remove all of the formatting and have only plain text.
There is something called a workbook dump. It is excel-based, and can be used to export data from HySYS to excel.
The answer is: False
You Can't
Not sure if you want to know how to export data from Excel or import data into Excel. Either way, the answer depends on what you are trying to do. You can export data from Excel by using the SaveAs option to save the file in a format you choose. If you are trying to use another program to extract data from Excel, you will need to use the options available to that specific program.
The answer to this question would depend on the source you are exporting. You can export data from Excel to a text file in a variety of formats. Just Save As and select the format you prefer.
I am not sure of options within ADABAS to export data directly to excel. But using a programing language (eg: Natural) mainframe ADABAS data can be read and then ConnectDirected to excel. Please revert in case of any details qureies
A good way is to export from a database is to save as CSV format (or some sort of comma-delimited text format), then open Excel and import the file into Excel.
One way would be to copy the data into a text file, using Notepad perhaps, and then save the file and open it with Excel. The text will then be in different cells. You could then copy that data back into the original Excel file.
No. Notepad the piece of software, is a text editor. Excel is a spreadsheet. A notepad in terms of paper for writing on is different than Excel and also different to a paper-based worksheet, on which spreadsheets like Excel are computerised versions of.
Yes. You need to export it from your email or contacts program to a Comma Separated Value format, which Excel can then open directly.
yes, export data as excel data from filemaker pro, and then import this one into access.