Find the file. Then press the Delete key or drag it to the waste basket.
You can use the 'secure delete' option or a Mac shredder software.
No. It does not erase Mac. When you use Boot Camp you are switching your operating system to Windows. (Usually to run a program for Windows.) You can switch back whenever you want.
Yes It Will and it will suck
You can use a Mac shredder software to completely wipe Mac hard drive in single go. Note: the ultimate state to permanently erase files or wipe out a hard drive clean is to let all the data be overwritten.
Erase in Tagalog is "burahin."
The word erase has two syllables. (e-rase)
You can rely on Mac system CD or a Mac Eraser to freely yet securely erase a Mac hard drive. See resources link.
go to disk utility and you have the option to erase there
If your booting from a Mac, when Disk Utility sees the HD, you need to format it as---- Mac OS Extended (Journaled)-----, It will also give you an option of partitioning it into 1 large or many smaller partitions.It WILL ERASE everything on that drive so make sure to select the right one.Disk Utility/select your HD/ Erase/ usually defaults to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) or select it/ name it/ select Erase... to start it.
To erase