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Q: How do you enter day to day transactions in tally?
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How to alter entry in tally?

to alter an entry in tally firstly go to gateway of tally, then with the help of arrow keys go to display and press D to see the Day Book, now select the entry to be altered and press enter. Now make the required changes and press enter. The alterations you want to make in the entry will be done

How do you use groups in tally?

go to inventory info. in gateway of tally then enter on stock group

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What is abbreviation of Tally ERP?

enter prise resourse planning

What islimitations in educational version of tally 9?

The Biggest LIMITATION In Educational mode you cant change the dates for your transactions

How enter company's tin number in sales vouchers in tally?

for accounting

What is tally explain it?

Tally accounts is a wonderful innovating software using which one can enable efortless data movement cheaper file transactions etc. It also eliminates human errors. The software commits no errors.

How do you enter a dishonoured cheque in tally?

Reverse Entry to be passed for the original Entry

How do you enter bounce of a cheque in the tally?

Debtors A/c dr. To Bank A/c

How do you enter capital received in tally are voucher?

Gateway of Tally>Accounting Voucher Press F7 for journal Voucher Cash A/c................Dr. To Capital A/c