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If your on XP (dunno about others) go into control panel then performance and mentenance then go into the power settings. go to the advanced tab and change the when i close my lid option to; do nothing.

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If your vista, then go to control panel, then power settings. on the left should be options- including change times when computer sleeps. Hope i helped

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11y ago

Click Start > Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what closing the lid does

Both options for battery and mains should be set at 'Sleep' - Click the down arrow on both options and select the 'do nothing' option - Click 'Save changes' - and you're all done.

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14y ago

Change the option in Power setting under "Close lid" from shutdown to sleep or do nothing.

Sometimes such problems are caused by a bad video driver.

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Q: How do you do not put the laptop in sleep mode when the lid is lose?
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Really it dosent need to go to sleep unless SUPER AMOUNT of battery is gone but Opening and closing the lid (which is set to actual Sleep mode)

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Just shut the lid of the ds and it will automatically go into sleep mode!

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well you see the computer has a magnet that has a cable that contracts when you pull it (pull it = close the computer ) it make the computer automatically say oh time to go to sleep either that or the technology is really cool these days. Haha! :)

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Look under your power settings in the control panel. There are options there for "What to do when I press the power button", "What to do when I press the sleep button" and "What to do when I close the lid".

When you open your laptop and it wakes up How does your laptop know the lid was opened?

there is a small magnet on lid and magnetic switch on laptopbase

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Depending on the hardware that Linux is running on, lifting the lid (of a laptop), pushing the power button (if the device is in a very low power mode), or simply providing input to the device. Sometimes, due to the resume image that is stored to the hard drive becoming corrupted, it is not possible to resume a session from sleep. In this case, you will have to hard reboot the device.

Partly depends on your laptop, but most will still run with the lid closed.?

Partly depends on your laptop, but most will still run with the lid closed.

Why laptop does not shutdown after passing the shutdown command?

If you close the lid of the laptop before it has finished, it will suspend all activity and wait for you to open it again before proceeding. Otherwise you may be accidentally putting it into hibernate or sleep modes, or restarting it.

How do you put the Nintendo 3Ds on sleep mode?

If you just close the lid it should turn the screen off with out turning the console off :)

How are magnets used in laptops?

Magnets in laptops are used primarily in the hard drive to control the movement of the read/write arm and platters. Magnets also help with functions like sleep mode activation, lid closure detection, and securing the laptop when closed. Additionally, magnets are sometimes used in the speakers for better sound quality.

How do you turn on laptop without opening lid?

If your laptop has a power button which can be accessed without opening the lid, just press the button. However most laptops these days have the power button under the lid (to keep you from accidentally turning it on in the bag) in which case, youll just have to open the lid.