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There are many ways, but the most simple is make a layer and place it underneath under all the other layers and make the BG so its under the picture/drawing.

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Q: How do you delete the background of a picture on Paint Tool SAI?
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How do you make a picture on Paint have a white background?

There is no other way but just use the eraser to rub of the background you don't want, that's the only way. Another Answer: It is possible I would've thought. Obviously, it cannot be done within MS Paint but if you really want a white background you can use an Image editor such as Photoshop or GIMP to change it. Save your image in Paint, and open it in an image editor use the lasso tool in Photoshop or Scissor tool in GIMP and go around the picture and that erases the background. Save it and reopen it in MS Paint and the background should be white.

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With ms paint, use the pencil tool and cut and paste the picture

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# Use File > Import to Stage to bring the bitmap into your Flash movie. # Select the image. # Choose Modify > Break Apart. # Deselect the image. # Select the Lasso Tool. # Click on the Magic wand in the Options pane of the Tools panel. # Select the background areas of the bitmap image. # Hit the Delete key. # Convert the remaining part of the image to a graphic or movie clip symbol..

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You don't. You can delete the person but not change it. If you go to the paint bucket tool, however, you can change their shirt.

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Paint has 2 colour scheme. With the eraser tool selected, RIGHT CLICK ON THE REQUIRED COLOUR, and notice that the background colour in the colour palette change to that colour. Now use the eraser tool to colour in the colour present at the background in the colour selected pane.

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They try to paint a picture with their music instead of a three power chord structured songs

Where can you make piczo backgrounds?

Absolutely anywhere! You can make cool patterns in any photo editing programme, even MS PAINT! You can even make a picture a background, however, if the picture is too small, piczo may stretch it or duplicate it again and again, but i shall tell you how to make a picture a background anyway. # First, you upload your image (you can do this by html, with the image tag and image URL, OR you can do it simply, by using the 'PICTURE' tool, provided by piczo). # Then, click the PENCIL in the options of the image. # Then check the box that says 'Make this the background' or something like that! done!

On Roblox how do you delete land?

Well i dont know... Ever thought of a delete tool? (If that doesn't work use a lock tool on it then try using delete tool)

How do you put text on pictures for free?

If you're using any variety of Windows, open the picture in "Paint" then use the text tool.

How do you take an image and put it on untitled - paint?

If you have the image saved: Select the cut tool. Right click and then select past from. The find your picture in your folders. If you donot have the image saved: Right click on the picture. Select copy. Then go to paint and right click and then paste.

How do you put a background on paint tool sai?

many different ways, Layer > place it on the bottom, and make the BG there, that how i make them without going over your drawing.

What is drawing skill?

A drawing tool is like a pencil or paint brush etc. So that it helps you draw.