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To save a song on your playlist, you have to create one. Go to music on your iPod, than click "Playlists" and it will say "Add playlist" (ipod touch version 4.2 or higher required). Then name your playlist and touch a song to add then click "Done"

To delete a song from your iTunes library, is to right click on the song then click were it says delete, than it will say "Are you sure you want to remove the selected song from your itunes library. Just click "Remove".

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Q: How do you delete songs from itunes library but save them on your playlist?
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How do you remove songs from your ipod?

Either: -Remove the songs from your iTunes library or -Create a playlist and put all of your songs into that one playlist. Then change your iPod settings to not sync all music in your library, but instead only sync selected playlists. You can then delete songs from the playlist but still have them in your iTunes library, and they will therefore not be synced to your iPod

Remove songs from iPod?

Either: -Remove the songs from your iTunes library or -Create a playlist and put all of your songs into that one playlist. Then change your iPod settings to not sync all music in your library, but instead only sync selected playlists. You can then delete songs from the playlist but still have them in your iTunes library, and they will therefore not be synced to your iPod

How do you delete songs from your iPod touch without using iTunes?

Deleting a Playlist does not delete your song files. They are stored under Library-MUSIC. IF you delete it from the MUSIC Library, then it IS deleted permanently.

Can you delete your LimeWire library without the same songs deleting off your itunes library?

Yes, you can delete your lime wire library without deleting it off your itunes library. The only way to delete it off your library is to delete from your library.

I deleted 300 songs from my Ipod but they weren't deleted from my hard drive I want them off the hard drive Where do deleted Itunes songs go if they aren't taken off the harddrive?

Do you mean you deleted them from your Itunes? If so than go to:# My Music>Itunes>Itunes playlist>(than you go to the Artist of the song and open it, open the album, than delete the song that you want to delete(you will have to do this 300 times though(if you had only 300 songs on Itunes to begin with and deleted every single one than right click in the folder: My Music>Itunes>Itunes playlist; and then click Select All and then Delete.) If you have an IPOD Touch or IPone than you might have been able to delete them straight from the phone, if so follow the same rules but delete those same songs from your ITunes playlist also.Anyways, Why would you want to delete 300 songs from ITunes? That is about $325 worth!

What is iTunes dj?

itunes dj is like a computer dj. You click on it and songs will come up, random, from your library. You can change it to take songs from library, or any playlist. hope this helped! :)

How do you create a music playlist on iTunes?

There are several ways to create a playlist of songs and music through iTunes. The easiest way is to have the library imported then select the tracks for a single playlist. Sync the device with iTunes. From the device, like an iPod Touch, a playlist can be created using the On The Go feature.

How do you create a playlist on my iPod touch?

to create an iPod touch playlist, here is what you do: On iTunes, look on the gray side menu. On the bottom, there are 4 buttons. The first one is a plus sign. Click it, and a text box will come up. Title your playlist. Once you do this, go to your music library. then if you click and drag the desired song to the playlist title, it will be added to the playlist. Add all the songs you want to and now, sync your iTunes playlist to your iPod. It is now on your iPod. If you ever want to add or delete(to delete, right click the song and hit delete on the menu that comes up) songs from the playlist, you can easily do this. To create a playlist on the iPod itself, go to playlist menu and hit Genius. Now, pick a song and your iPod will find all related songs and create a new playlist out of them. Hope this was helpful. : )

Does genusis playlists on iTunes cost?

No genius is used to take one song on your itunes then it takes songs similar to that and creates a playlist based on songs YOU have in YOUR library. BUT it can create suggestions for you to purchase off itunes.

How does one create a playlist in iTunes?

According to the Apple website, in order to create a playlist in iTunes, one must view their library and click on "Playlists". Then, click the "Add" button, which should be at the bottom, and then select "New Playlist". Finally, drag the desired songs into the playlist.

How do you get music from music library to playlist?

In Itunes you go to File then you have a choice to create a new playlist which are songs you pick by hand. Or you can choose new smart playlist which you can choose which artist, date added or media kind and Itunes will automaticly sort it for you.

How do you delete songs on iTunes?

To delete a song from your iTunes Music library you can right click on the song title and select Delete, or Select Delete from the Edit menu. click delete button on your keyboard