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Select the textbox by clicking on the edge of it. Once it is selected properly, not just the text, pressing the delete key will remove it.

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Q: How do you delete a text box on Microsoft Powerpoint?
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What does Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 call the predefined area inside a slide where text may be entered?

Text Box

What does Autofit feature do on Microsoft PowerPoint?

If you add more text to a placeholder, like a text box, than the placeholder can contain, text resizes to a smaller font to fit in the placeholder. That is Autofit.

What is formatting in a PowerPoint?

Text in PowerPoint everything that can be entered into a Text Box. The Text Box can be inserted from the insert tab and can be changed to any shape. The text inside Text Box can be formatted like Microsoft Word.

How do you make a transparent text box in PowerPoint?

yes, i know to

How do you delete text on photo in picasa?

When deleting text on Picasa, the user will need to click on the box of text. Next, users can click the X on the corner of the box to delete the text.

How do you enter instructions on PowerPoint?

You can enter instructions via the Text box. The text box can be inserted via the Insert in menu tab.

When you have a photo on PowerPoint how do you add a text?

Click insert on the top bar then click text box and either choose an option or draw your own text box.

Is a text box is used to place text anywhere on a slide?

Yes, a text box is used to input text anywhere on a slide in presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. You can drag and resize the text box to position it wherever you want on the slide.

How do you get a text box in Microsoft Word?

Click on 'Insert.' Scroll down and click 'Text Box.'

What is the basic component of slide in PowerPoint?

the basic components of a slide is text box,data, clipart,text.

What is A region of a slide reserved for inserting text or graphics?

Place Holder

How do you add a sound in a textbox in PowerPoint presentation?

You can add a text box easily in Power point. Along with the text box, there is an option for adding sound also.