Yes, as long as your not passing it off as an authentic signature.
The last thing to do when finishing an art painting, is to add your signature. The signature can either be on the front of the painting or on the back.
i think a signature would be better
it would have a signature.
back of painting
A clear and somewhat unique signature is the hardest to reproduce accurately. Many believe that a lot of swirls or a scribbled signature is hardest to reproduce but, in fact, it is the easiest because most people when looking at a signature are not going to go to a whole lot of trouble trying to decipher scribbles.
He must be cause I have an old painting that has the signature A Furtts on it.
The original painting should have the artist's signature, and maybe you can even spot the brush strokes or the artist's fingerprints. Most of the reproductions don't have the artist's signature.
The gold urn inscribed with the artist's signature (TICIANVS).
Decipher is a verb, so it does not become plural like a noun would. However, it does conjugate within the tenses. It is the same in all tenses except third person singular: I decipher You decipher **He/she deciphers We decipher You all decipher They decipher
Look at all the painting's signature. That's it.
I hav an origional painting by her with her signature is it worth anything