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Unfortunatly, you will need to find a more current version of Excel to access the pivot table. After you do, save the file in compatible format for older version of Excel. Then you should be able to open the file and update the pivot table. However, if someone created the pivot table with Excel 2007 and used any of the new features, those features will be lost when you save in Excel 2003 format.

See related links for a method to change the default for Excel 2007 to save pivot tables in the older classic format for Excel 2003 and earlier.

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Q: How do you deal with an error message pivot table created in a later version of Excel and can not be updated?
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Go to the Help menu and look at the About option which will tell you. The version of Excel you have is linked to the version of Office you have. If you know what version of Office you have, then you know what version of Excel you have.

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