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Depends on which operating system you are using and whether you want to copy more than one file.

In DOS/Windows command prompt "c:\copy xxxx /destination_folder/"

if more than one file you can use "c:\copy xxx.* /destination_folder/"

Xcopy has more options (verify, copy subdirectories ..) and is used "c:\xcopy xxx* /s /destination_folder/"

In Unix/Linux/OSX cp is the command for copying

as in "#darkstar$cp -R *.txt /destination_folder/"

cp has a lot more option than xcopy but you will need to type either "cp --help" or "man cp" to get the best of cp's actions.

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16y ago
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14y ago

You can try the following command

copy (space) <source file name with path> (space) <destination file name with path>

NOTE: (space) means a blank space. This can be used to rename file as well.

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11y ago

You can copy files based on their extension, for example:

copy *.txt d:\stuff

will copy all files with a .txt extension into d:\stuff.

You may also use xcopy, which can recursively copy folders and files.

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17y ago has answered this question see link below.

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13y ago

right click the file and select copy. then right click where you want to place it and select paste

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14y ago

In command prompt, you need not to run separate paste command. As you run the copy or move command, the file will automatically parted.

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