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To get a pretty much correct answer, multiply the KB by one million. (There are about one million KB in one GB).

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you multiply by 1000000000.

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Q: How do you convert kilo bytes into giga bytes?
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How many kilo bytes in 4 giga bytes?

4194304 Kilobytes equals 4 gigabytes

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How may GB to 220.5 MB?

8 bits - 1 byte 1024 Bytes - 1 Kilo Byte 1024 Kilo Bytes - 1 Mega Byte 1024 Mega Bytes - 1 Giga Bytes

How much is Kb and MB?

KB - Kilo Byte MB - Mega Byte GB - Giga Byte TB - Tera Byte while you may think kilo is 1000 and mega is 1 million... giga is 1 billion... and so on; it actually is not. a Kilo byte is actually 2^10 Byte which is 1024 Bytes. Kilo Byte = 2^10 Bytes = 1024 Bytes Mega Byte = 2^20 Bytes = 1048576 Bytes Giga Bytes = 2^ 30 Bytes = 1073741824 Bytes and so on... close enough right?

One giga byte equals how many kilo bytes?


Is 1 kb bigger than 1 gb?

No, because 1kb stands for 1 kilo bytes and 1gb is 1 giga bytes.

There is kilo mega giga and tera bits and bytes of memory what is the largest measurement available today?

Tera Bytes are the largest unit of measurement.

Is KB more than MB?

MB is more, 1 MB = 1024 KBs Heres the list from Least to greatest, Bytes, Kilo-Bytes, Mega-Bytes, Giga-Bytes, Terra-Bytes

List of bytes after terabyte?

bit- byte- kilo- mega- giga- tera- peta- exa- zetta- yotta-

How do you convert giga bytes into Terra Bytes?

Gigabytes and terabytes are forms of measurement. A terabyte is exactly 1024 gigabytes, so to convert gigabytes to terabytes, you simply divide the number of gigabytes by 1024.

How many GigaByte in 10 MegaBytes?

there are no giga bytes in 10 mega bytes. there are 1024 mega bytes in a giga byte

Data capacity measurements in disk drive?

Bytes Kilo Bytes Mega Bytes Giga Bytes Tera Bytes a byte is really smal, a kilo byte is a thousand bytes a mega byte is a thousand kilo bytes a giga byte is a thousand mega bytes a tera byte is a thousand giga bytes Bytes = b Kilo Bytes = Kb Mega Bytes = Mb giga bytes = Gb tera bytes = Tb a text document might be like 10kb a music file might be 4mb a video might be like 30mb a typical hard drive is like 250gb for a laptop and 500gb for a desktop Tera Bytes are only used in super computers or servers although they are appearing in desktops some of the larger hard drives are 1.5Tb or 1500 gb some older laptop have hard drives ranging from 20gb to 80gb a typical USB Flash drive is 2gb a new ipod ranges from 8gb to 120gb older ones come in sizes as small as 512Mb aka 0.5gb Ram of a computer can range from as little as 32mb in an older computer and as much as 8gb in some desktop computers in the price range of $800+ hope i helped, if you need a better explaination (god knows why) then email me @ You are welcome, David K